Choosing a Safe
Studio Newborn Photography is more popular now than ever. With inexpensive entry level cameras available to the public and an endless Pinterest feed of inspiration, more and more untrained photographers are starting to offer sessions without licenses or training. Not all photographers have the knowledge or skill required to safely pose a baby and create those beautiful photos you see on my website. Newborn Photography takes a lot of special safety and posing training that many new parents and photographers taking on newborn sessions aren’t aware of. When booking your Newborn Session please book a photographer who is specifically trained in Newborn Posing Safety, operating a legal, insured, and taxpaying business, and recommended by your hospital, OBGYN, or pediatrician.
Cassie Clayshulte has done over 450 Studio Newborn Sessions and 275 Fresh 48 Newborn Sessions, has trained with Leading Newborn Photographers from around the country and now educates and mentors aspiring Newborn Photographers from all over the world on Newborn Photography and Posing Safety and the importance of running a legal, ethical, and profitable business..
The perfect newborn poses you see online are not only cute and adorable they are specifically designed to:

• Keep your baby safe, secure, and comfortable.
• Mimic the positions in the womb.
• Keep pressure and stress off of your baby’s joints,
neck, and spine.
• Keep your baby’s airway clear.
• Protect your baby’s circulation
• Flow easily from one pose to other so baby is
moved as little as possible.
• Preserve your baby’s modesty. If posed properly,
your little one’s private parts should never be

It will be very difficult to achieve these poses after baby is 4 weeks old when they can move and stretch more easily. It is recommended that your Newborn Session take place between 7 and 14 days.
The Newborn Photographer you choose to work with your precious and delicate newborn should be locally licensed, insured and trained in all of the following:
• How to properly weight and secure all buckets and props so that the prop does
not topple with baby in or on it.
• How to properly use posers to fill buckets and props so that baby is positioned
correctly and comfortably within the prop.
• How to properly wrap or swaddle a Newborn so that they are comfortable, warm,
and safe at all times.
• How to achieve specific newborn poses that are specifically designed to mimic
the positions in the womb and keep baby comfortable safe and secure.
• How to combine two or three images to safely create images featuring
advanced poses and props. (Shown Below)
• What products are and are not safe for use during a Newborn Session.
• What precautions should be taken to ensure a healthy environment for your baby
including, the sanitation of blankets and props, maintaining the proper
temperature, keeping a clean and germ free studio, and staying up to date on all immunizations.
• Not to put your Newborn at risk for a photo. Example, placed in hot sun or snow,
or in an unsafe prop. (Sadly, this happens more often than you think.)

Please do not attempted advanced or prop posing if attempting a DIY newborn session at home. Newborn Photography Safety skills and parenting skills are very different and parents who attempt their own DIY Newborn Session are often left disappointed or worse, as many Newborns have been injured this way.
Your child will only be a Newborn for a very short time.
Please make sure to choose a licensed & insured
Photographer who is trained in and specializes in
Studio Newborn Photography.
Coastal Carolina Hospital, Hilton Head Hospital & Riverside Women's Care recommend Cassie Clayshulte Photography
for Maternity, Fresh 48, Studio Newborn, & Children’s Portraits.